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Winter Term 2018

Filmed and edited this video from footage I took during my study abroad trip to Australia that I went on January 2018. 

The Blankini Commercial

Filmed and edited this video for a product that my family has created. Published on YouTube and has received over 1,000 views.  Helped boost sales of our product.

International Student Documentary

This video is the product of a joint effort of my classmate and me.  We shot and compiled all the footage seen here.

Elon University: A Day in the Life

This video is the product of a joint effort of my classmate and me.  We shot the videos together, but the editing and the design were done by me.

Stomp Cup Commercial

This video is the product of a joint effort of my classmate and me.  We created a fictional product, the Stomp Cup, and shot and edited this commercial.

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